

NameTerm EndsTitle
Reymundo Chapa, RPA Board Liaison67585341
Kenneth E. Sassaman, RPA Board Liaison43721700


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
Cassandra Blair Apuzzo5/1/2026Member67617225
Ryan H. Collins, Ph.D., RPA4/9/2027Member67589679
Jessica W. Cook Hale, PhD, RPA4/9/2027Member67599891
Kurt Fredrickson4/25/2025Member67616520
Joshua C. Massey5/1/2026Member67602264
Dylan Person, PhD, RPA4/25/2025Member67598718
Matthew Piscitelli, Ph.D., RPA5/1/2026Member67572807
Andrea Vianello, Ph.D.4/9/2027Member67603433

Committee Charge & Composition


Committee Charge:

To serve the membership by being a resource for members for current best practices when working with the media, in all its various formats (digital, print, video, audio, social media, etc.). Among its projects is the organization of a session for the annual meeting around the committee’s charge. .

Committee Composition:

Advisory Committee; composed of a chair and at least 10 members, including at least two students.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)