Council of Allied Societies (CoAS)

JOIN US! The Council of Allied Societies (CoAS) was formed in 1989 for the mutual benefit of avocationals and professional archaeologists to encourage collaborative discussion, to build working and research relationships between the two groups for the advancement of archaeology, and to further the objectives of the Society for American Archaeology. CoAS is comprised of state and regional non-profit avocational and public focused-based Archaeology and related Societies with an elected CoAS Leadership Team. CoAS seeks to serve as a forum for the exchange of information between its member societies and as a channel of communication with the professional leadership of the Society for American Archaeology.

CoAS Allied Society members assign representatives (one delegate and one alternate) to represent their interests on the Council (please review
 CoAS Policies and Procedures.) The Council participates in the Society for American Archaeology’s Annual Meeting and supports many other platforms within SAA. 

Benefits of CoAS  membership:

  • The SAA Archaeological Record magazine
  • SAA Annual Meeting Preliminary Program
  • SAA Governments Affairs Update (timely emails from SAA Government Affairs including news and updates on archaeo-political issues affecting archaeology in the US and abroad.)
  • Digital CoAS Newsletters (monthly news and semi-annual member-driven newsletter)
  • Collaborative endeavor with SAA Continuing Education to provide CoAS societies' members access to reduced and free SAA Online Seminars.
  • Access to CoAS e-Community (hosted by SAA) – a centralized bulletin board for activities, speakers, and events for the mutual benefit of CoAS and SAA members (open to all CoAS and SAA members.)
  • Exclusive Facebook Group page(open to all CoAS member Societies and their membership.)
  • SAA CoAS Web Page - Your organization will receive a listing on the CoAS web page with a direct link to your site. You can also access contact information for other allied societies to connect with organizations like yours. Your society’s logo and social media links can be added to your listing.
  • CoAS Annual Business Meeting
  • CoAS Gathering at the SAA Annual Meeting
  • CoAS Booth in the SAA Annual Meeting - SAA Annual Meeting attendees can visit the CoAS exhibit booth featuring our CoAS member societies print materials (brochures, newsletters, publication lists, etc.), providing additional exposure of your society to the international archaeology community. 
  • CoAS Booth at the annual Pecos Conference – another opportunity to gain exposure of your society through print materials for handouts at this inclusive archaeological gathering 

To be eligible for membership in CoAS, the applying Society/Chapter must be an incorporated member-based organization/group that is open to the general public. The Society must retain, during the membership period, legal recognition as a not-for-profit organization with bylaws, objectives, and programs that are consistent with those of SAA.

Click here  to download the CoAS Application and/or here to download the CoAS brochure. To join, please send the completed application, along with the annual membership fee of $35.00 to: 

Society for American Archaeology
Attn: Carla Fernandez
1990 K St NW, Suite 401
Washington, DC 20006

If paying by credit card or for other questions, please contact Carla at [email protected]

CoAS in the News:

November 2023 - The SAA Archaeological Record – “From the President – Bringing Avocational and Professional Archaeologists Together for Collaborative Discussion.”

September 2021 -The SAA Archaeological Record – “The Council of Allied Societies – Present and Future.”

May 2007 – The SAA Archaeological Record – “The Council of Allied Societies – Past, Present and Future.”

State Archaeology Celebration Poster Award

The State Archaeology Celebration Poster Award is sponsored by the Public Education Committee and the Council of Allied Societies. The contest is possible through the support of members and the Public Education Endowment Fund.
Since 1996, this award is presented to participants whose poster in honor of Archaeology Week or Month best exemplifies the vibrant role played by archaeology, heritage, and preservation within the community. Voting is conducted online during the time around the SAA Annual Meeting and open to the public. Click on the flyer for more information!


Please visit this link for more information.

About Avocational Archaeology

We encourage you to learn more about Avocational Archaeology at this link.

CoAS Leadership Team   
Chair:  Jaye Smith 
[email protected]
Vice Chair:  Shane Peterson [email protected]
Secretary:  Anne Tobbe Bader [email protected]
Newsletter Editor: Belinda Riehl-Fitzsimmons [email protected]


The following organizations are current allied societies: