

NameTerm EndsTitle
David Lindsay Staff Liaison67564900
Dan Sandweiss, RPA Board Liaison43731200


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
J. M. Adovasio, Ph.D., D.Sc., RPA4/9/2027Member10224700
Karen Brunso5/1/2026Member67604366
Lucy Gill5/1/2026Member67600820
Valerie J. Grussing, PhD Member, Ex-Officio67597574
Stephen Dan Humphreys, Ph.D.5/1/2026Member67611433
Heidi Luchsinger, MA, PhD, RPA5/1/2026Member67416200
John W. Martin, RPA4/9/2027Member64914900
Arturo Martinez De Vara, J.D., M.A.5/1/2026Member67618268
Angela B. McArdle, RPA4/18/2027Member67586591
Mr. David W. Melanson5/1/2026Member67594065
Shawn Patch Member, Ex-Officio67585081
Scott C. Phillips, RPA4/9/2027Member67459200
Ruth M. Van Dyke, PhD, RPA Member, Ex-Officio44642100
David E. Witt, Ph.D, RPA4/25/2025Member67580436

Committee Charge & Composition


Committee Charge:

The Government Affairs Committee recommends policy positions on specific government issues to the SAA Board of Directors and provides archaeological expertise from the membership on a wide range of issues and from various parts of the country to support archaeological interests on Capitol Hill. The committee also identifies opportunities for SAA to support important state and local government preservation initiatives affecting archaeological sites. These activities are directed by the Manager, Government Affairs

Committee Composition:

Advisory Committee: composed of a char and 15 members, including at least two students. Ideally, an individual serves as chair of the full committee for the 2 years that coincide with a particular Congress (which always begins in January of an odd-numbered year). This individual begins a term on the committee (as chair-designate) at the annual meeting prior to the start of that Congress, serves as chair during that two-year Congress. The manager, Government Affairs serves as staff liaison to the committee and subcommittee.

In the interest of collaboration on government affairs issues, the Board invites a representive from sister societies/organizations the American Cultural Resources Association, Archaeology Division of the American Anthropological Association, the Society for Historical Archaeology and the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to join the Government Affairs Committee in an ex oficio capacity and participate in its meetings.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2023 Spring Committee Report (2023)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)