


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
Karen Brunso4/25/2025Member67604366
Carol E. Colaninno, Ph.D, RPA3/30/2026Member67578965
Michelle Christine Gray, M.S.4/25/2025Member67613506
Sarah A. Herr, RPA4/9/2027Member45033600

Committee Charge & Composition


Composition: The Committee will comprise two elected members, two board-appointed members, and a board-appointed chair. The Committee shall be authorized to review Reports and shall be charged with recommending to the Board under Article IX, Section 4 of the SAA Bylaws whether SAA members should be barred from future SAA events.

Committee Charge: The Committee is charged by the Board of Directors with verifying credibility of evidence and recommending to the Board whether an individual should be barred from attending the SAA Annual Meeting or other SAA-sponsored events and for what period of time. In determining its recommendation, the Committee shall receive and review evidence that the Subject Individual has been found, by a court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative or regulatory body, to have engaged in conduct or actions contrary to the ideals, objectives, and accepted standards of the Society as set forth in these Bylaws, Board policies, or the SAA Principles of Archaeological Ethics. The Committee shall not have the authority to independently receive Reports, or to initiate its own inquiry, review, or investigation with respect to any individual or group.

The Committee’s deliberations shall include SAA Counsel, identified to it by the SAA President or Board of Directors.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)