


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
Mark R. Agostini, Jr.4/25/2025Member67590176
Thomas P. Barrett, Ph.D4/25/2025Member67609972
Sara L. Gonzalez, Ph.D. Member, Ex-Officio67576411
Timpoko Hélène Kienon-Kabore, Ph.D, Pr (Dr)4/9/2027Member67608526
Christine Lee, Ph.D. Member, Ex-Officio67596376
Olivia C. Navarro-Farr, Ph.D5/1/2026Member67587226
Christopher Emanuel Nicosia, Ph.D. Candidate4/25/2025Member67614488
Jonathan N. Paige, Ph.D.5/1/2026Member67600737
Oona Schmid Member, Ex-Officio67611466
Charles S. Stanish4/9/2027Member12473300
Bonnie Whatley Styles, Ph.D.4/9/2027Member67594123
Andrea Torvinen, Ph.D.4/9/2027Member67583937

Committee Charge & Composition


Committee Charge:

This Committee provides advice to the Board on all aspects of fundraising. It has direct responsibility for planning and (if necessary) implementing general SAA fundraising campaigns approved by the Board. It also provides advice and assistance to other SAA committees that are engaged in fundraising (i.e., each campaign led by another committee must be coordinated with a designated member of the Fundraising Committee). This committee will conduct ongoing education programs so that SAA members are informed about the Society's fundraising goals and results and encouraged to become life-long donors.

Committee Composition:

Advisory Committee, composed of a chair or co-chairs, 10 members of which 2 should be students and the Executive Director who serves ex-officio. This committee may also have advisors to bring additional expertise, committee historical knowledge, or an understanding of SAA’s structure and governance.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)