

NameTerm EndsTitle
Terry Childs Board Liaison67592318


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
Kelley Hays-Gilpin, RPA4/25/2025Member44585500
Kirsten Lee Hebert4/9/2027Member67616983
Philip B. Mink, II4/9/2027Member67574640

Committee Charge & Composition


Committee Charge:

The Archive Committee is responsible for providing advice to the Board about the SAA’s institutional archive, including conducting a regular review of the Scope of Collection Statement for the SAA Archive (Scope) and making recommendations for its improvement to the Board. The Committee is further responsible for receiving on behalf of the Board official records submitted by SAA Officers as defined in the Scope; ensuring that submitted records are in compliance with the Scope; evaluating the nature and extent of any intellectual property involved, any restrictions on a donation, and the length of an access restriction period for certain bodies of records; verifying consent for the release of confidential information to the SAA or National Anthropological Archives (NAA); eliminating duplicates; creating an inventory of the records received, reviewed, and accepted; submitting the records, along with the inventory, to the NAA for archiving; and other duties as defined in the Scope.

Committee Composition:

The Archive Committee shall be composed of a chair and no more than four members. Members must include the most recent past Secretary and a past member, preferably a past chair, of the Committee on Museums, Curation and Collections. Other members shall include another past Secretary and/or those with expertise in cultural historical archives management. Terms of inaugural committee members will be staggered.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2023 Spring Committee Report (2023)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)