

NameTerm EndsTitle
Reymundo Chapa, RPA Board Liaison67585341
Elizabeth Pruitt, RPA Staff Liaison67606938


NameTerm End Date
There are no records.


NameTerm EndsTitle
Joshua C. Massey4/25/2025Member67602264
Jeanne M. Moe, Ed.D.4/25/2025Member44978900
Ethan Alexander Mofidi4/9/2027Member67619494
Jo Osborn, Ph.D, RPA5/1/2026Member67601277
Judith Trujillo, M.A.5/1/2026Member67613636
Elizabeth Watts Malouchos, Ph.D., RPA4/25/2025Member67588395

Committee Charge & Composition

The charge of the Meeting Safety Committee is to recommend policies and procedures that address the safety of participants at annual meetings and other SAA-sponsored events, to advise on recruitment, training, and responsibilities of annual meeting safety volunteers, involvement in data-gathering and member-led oversight, and provisions for advocacy work that extends to developing and disseminating resources related to participant safety. For the 2020 meeting, the Meeting Safety Committee members will take on the role of “safety volunteers” and afterwards help us identify the kinds of situations it may face and the needs it might have. Throughout the process, the Committee would make recommendations to the Board regarding recruiting, vetting, and training safety volunteers for 2021 and beyond.

Committee Reports:

2022 Spring Committee Report (2022)

2023 Spring Committee Report (2023)

2024 Spring Committee Report (2024)