Isótopos de estroncio en Arqueología: Líneas de base, Bio-

Isótopos de estroncio en Arqueología: Líneas de base, Bioarqueología y más allá

*This seminar will be given in Spanish
*Este seminario se impartirá en español

  • Primary registrants will receive a confirmation email immediately, an email with log in information about one week before the event, and a reminder email the day before. If you do not receive the automated confirmation email, please double-check that you have completed registration.
  • Cancellations and refunds for registration fees are allowed prior to 7 days before the event. All cancellations for paid events are subject to a $25 processing fee. This event is FREE to SAA members.
  • All times are in the Eastern Time Zone.
8/16/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

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