Collaboration e-Community

The Collaboration e-Community is to be used as a channel to support collaboration between archaeologists. During SAA's Annual Meeting Call for Submissions (May 1 - September 5), this e-Community will be open to anyone with an SAA account (whether they are a current member or not). After the meeting submissions period comes to an end, the forum will be available only to SAA members and will serve as a place for members to create/discuss/dialogue about collaborations that may not be specific to the SAA Annual Meeting.

A highlight of the Collaboration e-Community is the "Session Organizers Looking for Participants" discussion thread. Here is where organizers can post about their session and the type of presenters they are looking for. This gives others the opportunity to reach out directly to the organizer if they feel they would be a good fit for the proposed session. This thread can be found under "Annual Meeting" in the Discussions section.

To access the Collaboration e-Community, click on the e-Community button and sign in. Don't have an SAA account? Use the the Create a new account  feature below to create one and sign in. 

   Collaboration e-Community 

Please note that by accessing SAA's e-Communities, you are agreeing to our Rules of Engagement.